Letcraft Edugames

Patrocinadores del evento

What is Letcraft Edugames?

The competition Letcraft EduGames (LEG) aims to be a meeting place in the educational community to promote the use of video games as a learning tool in a competitive scenario.

In this scenario, the main video game that will be used will be Minecraft Education. Through this tool, the development of projects will be encouraged, where students will have to work in teams, develop their critical thinking and creativity in order to carry out their own projects. transformational and innovative projects.

Don't miss the best projects of 2024 in the following video!

Try the Minecraft world of LEG 2024

Galactic Orbit Mission
Discover the planets of the Solar System and collect a lost fragment of each planet to build your final planetarium on the Moon. World of the LEG 2024 finals.
Participating teacher LEG 2024
We have developed teamwork, time management and research skills to carry out the qualifying phase, always highly motivated and respecting the time schedule.
Participating teacher LEG 2024
I am a Design and Technology teacher and the application of Minecraft EE is very natural in that subject. For me it is a fantastic simulation tool.
Participating teacher LEG 2024
Our experience with Minecraft Education in the classroom has been very positive. The app has become a valuable tool for fostering collaboration and teamwork among students. They loved the way the game transformed learning into a fun and immersive activity.
Participating teacher LEG 2024
You have turned my school around, my students will never forget this experience, nor will I myself. We are going to work in a network for the next course and learning the little ones from the older ones, with these great resources that have arrived in Cordoba. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making these projects a reality in schools where they don't have so many resources but a great desire to learn and a great talent in their students.
Participating teacher LEG 2024
It has been great!!! You have been continuously in contact with us and facilitating the process, and the children were super motivated!!!! Very happy in all aspects

This is how the competition went in 2024

Letcraft EduGames 2024 Summary
LEG 2024 live event

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The competition is aimed at all schools in Spain and LATAM. This year's theme will be: THE UNIVERSE. The participating group will have to create their own space station.

The program is aimed at students from 3rd grade of primary school to 2nd year of ESO, i.e., from 8 years old to 14 years old.

The deadline for submitting projects will be 1 project per class (there is no limit to the number of classes to participate). If the same teacher wants to participate in several classes of his/her stage and/or different stages, he/she will have to specify all these classes in the form in the “classes” section.

The launch date of the competition and the opening of registration is February 26th. This registration will be open to until April 28.

The deadline for submission of projects will be the May 23rd at 23:59. The day May 30 finalists will be announced. The 5 best projects will qualify to the final phase. They will have from June 3 to June 6 to carry out the challenge with the students.

During the week of June 10 an online event will be held where the winning projects will be announced and prizes will be awarded virtually. 

(Final date of the event to be defined).

The 5 best projects will qualify for the finals, which will take place at the Madrid Planetarium the June 10, 2024. A group of 5 students and the teacher will have their expenses paid to experience the great on-site final*.. On the day of the final, the 3 best schools will receive different prizes according to their ranking (still to be defined).

You can see the complete list of awards at 👉🏼. prize section.

*Exclusively for residents in Spain.

Private, subsidized and public schools in Spain or LATAM* are eligible to participate. Participation is also open to academies, extracurricular classes, etc.

*LATAM centers will be able to participate and receive the corresponding certificate but will not be able to move on to the final phase of the challenge..

Teachers participating in the competition will receive an e-mail with all the information they need for the competition. resources, guidance and support necessary for their participation in the LEG.

In the LEG group you will find guides to carry out the construction challenge with your students, with step-by-step explanations on how to approach this activity in the classroom. Resources and free training in the use of Minecraft Education and its functionalities. Accompaniment and resolution of doubts by a team of teachers who are experts in the didactic use of this tool.

If your school does not have Minecraft Education licenses, please email us at educacion@l3tcraft.com and we will send you the steps to create your own educational environment and be able to use Minecraft licenses with your classroom.

LEG Awards 2024

Second place
  • 🏆Second place trophy.
  • 🥈5 silver medals.


  • Classroom robotics pack with Arduino, Makey Makey and Lego kits.
  • 1 MULTIMEDIA PACK by Krom and Ozone with headset, microphone, camera and Chroma.
  • Online Course in FDM 3D Printing.
  • Book “Learning with Minecraft” by Leticia Ahumada.
  • Minecraft book by Harper Collins.
  • 🏆First place trophy.
  • 🥇5 medallas de oro.


  • Pantalla SMART MX-V3 75″.
  • 1 PACK PODCAST de Krom, Ozone y Drift con cascos, micrófono, Chroma, Cámara, Foco y Silla.
  • Online Course in FDM 3D Printing.
  • Book “Learning with Minecraft” by Leticia Ahumada.
  • Minecraft book by Harper Collins.
  • Entrevista en directo en el canal de EduClaustro.
Tercer puesto
  • 🏆Trofeo tercer puesto.
  • 🥉5 medallas de bronce.


  • Impresora 3D FDM Creality Ender 3 V2.
  • 1 PACK BÁSICO de Krom con cascos, micrófono y cámara.
  • Online Course in FDM 3D Printing.
  • Book “Learning with Minecraft” by Leticia Ahumada.
  • Minecraft book by Harper Collins.
*Los premios están pendientes de actualización a medida que se incorporen nuevas marcas.

Registro en Letcraft Edugames

¡Apúntate a nuestra competición educativa! Haz click en el siguiente botón para aprender y divertirte con Minecraft Education:

¡Ven a vivir el Evento Final en el Planetario de Madrid!

¡El 10 de junio viviremos la Final presencial de LEG 2024! Una oportunidad única para disfrutar de la ciencia en persona con Letcraft Edugames.

Contaremos con un aforo de 200 plazas en el Madrid Planetarium donde os invitaremos a vivir esta experiencia única en horario de 10:00 a 14:00, con charlas y experiencias de profesionales en el ámbito de la educación y la ciencia, con seguimiento de la competición final en directo, entrega de premios y una comida para finalizar la jornada. ¡Os esperamos!
Colaboradores del evento

Would you like to sponsor the Letcraft Edugames event?

This is your chance to be part of Letcraft Edugames 2024!

If you are an organization or brand and you want to sponsor the LEG 2024 event and increase your visibility in Education, you can contact us through the button below and we will send you all the information with our sponsorship plans for the competition.

Also you can write us an email:
Subject: "SPONSORSHIP LEG 2024"
Registered Centers
Students playing
Enrolled teachers
Total projects
i want to sponsor letcraft edugames

In previous editions...

Best finalist projects LEG 2023
JEME 2022 Closing Event
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