Podcast L3TGame

An online program to talk about Education and video games and to learn about real experiences and projects of teachers in the use of games in the classroom.
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Your video game education podcast

Don't miss our L3TGame podcast in which we feature teachers and professionals passionate about education and videogames to learn more each week.

You can listen to us at Ivoox, Spotify or YouTube and don't miss the new episodes every week by subscribing to our newsletter, in which we will notify you of each release, or by following us on our social media channels.

What is the L3TGame Podcast about?

In the L3TGame Podcast we have three themes that we put into practice during the episodes with different education and technology professionals.

Videogames in Education

How are video games used in education?
We will see how video games can be implemented in schools, such as in the case of Minecraft Education. We will also see if there are other video games that can be applied to education, highlighting their positive impact on learning.

Active methodologies

Through which methodologies can we apply games in the classroom?
We will meet teachers who implement all kinds of Gamification and Game-Based Learning projects in their classrooms through different types of tools using different types of tools that will use as inspiration the most outstanding video games in history.

Teaching experiences

What real-life experiences will we talk about in the podcast?
Education and esports industry professionals. will share their personal and educational experiences with video games. We will get to know the Letcraft Education Ambassadors up close and how video games impact their daily practice.

Do you want to participate in L3TGames?

If you want to be part of the next episode because you are passionate about education or technology, please write us an email with the following information or click on the button and fill out the form:
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