Minecraft Worlds

Download our Minecraft worlds for free to use with your class or contact us to create your custom project.

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Do you have a Minecraft world and want to share it? Send it to us and we will add it to the official Letcraft Education repository.

Featured Minecraft Worlds

Other Minecraft Worlds

Galactic Orbit Mission
Discover the planets of the Solar System and collect a lost fragment of each planet to build your final planetarium on the Moon. World of the LEG 2024 finals.
The Tenebrous Village
Halloween! The ideal place where you can learn in a terrifyingly fun way. Work on concepts such as Roman numerals or the organs of the body!
Build your own sustainable computer
Discover the properties and advantages of Acer laptops by analyzing and reviewing aspects of computing and social networking.
Imagen de un estadio en Minecraft con pruebas olímpicas
Want your students to become elite athletes while they learn? Don't miss this world corresponding to the 2021 JEME final.
Mundo L3TCraft - EDULab
Women's Day
Have your students learn about Women's Day, March 8, through history and science, among others, and promote the values of equality and respect in your classroom.
Imagen de un museo en Minecraft
Night at the JEME Museum
Save the museum! One of the main paintings of this museum is missing different fragments. Recover them through different thematic tests.
Mundo L3TCraft - EDULab
Microsoft's multipurpose and digital classroom has arrived in Minecraft. Here you will be able to devise and create projects and workshops from scratch, thanks to its differentiated work areas.
If you want to learn and have fun with your students with Minecraft, the first thing you should do is to install the Minecraft Education application on your device. I'll help you to do it! You can download it by clicking this button:
Download Minecraft Education
Illustration of a Minecraft agent
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